Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another New Begining

I started a new job back the first part of May and as life would have it sometimes things are not what you think they are going to be.  I have been in a place of transition, again.  Some days I feel like I am to old for this, but as I talk to my friends who are older than me, I realize the place I would like to get to doesn't exist.  That place without the changes that shake your confidence, trouble your mind and cause you to question again why you are here and where you are going.  It is just an on going part of the journey. Today I got up and started over... again.

I remember a commercial one time that said,  "Today is the first day of the rest of your life, start it right with..."  I don't remember what the product was, but the concept has never left me.  I have had many, starting over places in my life and some have entailed hard decisions that I have had to make to move on.  Others have just been a case of laziness stealing my time and energy and having to get up and get moving again or writing again or just living again.  

Lately I have felt so out of my place.  Out of sync with me.  That is a strange and scary place to be, because you can get lost in the crowd of your own life.  You can hide yourself from others until you can't even find yourself anymore.  Strange..this place I have been.  But today is the first day of the rest of my life and I have started it with some scripture, some yoga and exercise, and a healthy breakfast.  Small steps, but even small steps will eventually move you from one place to another.  

 Sometimes we leave the very things that give us life and pick up weights we were not even meant to carry.  We trudge along and can't look up for fear of what we might see.  I cannot live in this place.  I cannot give up those things I have learned and go back to not knowing,  so others who can live here in peace may have to stay, but as for me,  I have to get back on my path.  I have to know that I am doing what I was put here to do.  Yes, I still have to work my job, so 7 1/2 hours of the day I will be doing what I have to do to get my pay check at the end of the week... The real me will be back on the right path. My mind will be gleaning words and thoughts that it will later weave into poems and prose.  My spirit will be looking for God and finding Him in sometimes the most unlikely places.  Deep breath... Exhale... Live!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day

As we get into Memorial weekend,  I, like everyone else am pausing to take time to remember those gone before me, paid the ultimate price fighting for freedom they believed was worth the cost.  I remember them, those I knew personally, who left an empty place in my own life and those who died ages before I was born, whose living and dying purchased for me a place to live and work and play without fear.
I am humbled by the sacrifice made by so many,  the sacrifice we take for granted every day.  I honor the fallen soldiers now with my prayers for their families who miss them,  their foes who dismiss them, the ones who forget them and go on like they didn't matter. I pray for this nation that we never forget. 
I want to share the words of a short  poem from a Moina Michael in 1915... 
We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.
The blood of heroes never die.  We remember you today, may we honor you with our lives and never take our freedom or our nation for granted.
God bless America.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Welcome to my Blog.  It is a beautiful May morning here in Eastern Ky.  From my dining room window I can see the rainbow rays as a sliver of sun tops the hill.  I run to get my camera and take ten consecutive shots just a few seconds apart as the rainbow colors are eaten up by the oranges, the yellows and the white, and then the day light drives away the last shadows of dawn and just warm golden sunlight takes over.  A beautiful day to follow the stormy floods faced by so many just yesterday. 
I offer my prayers this morning for those who are facing the after effects of the flooding.  Some people lost their lives and their families are now faced with a storm of sorrow.  Others lost things.  They are faced with a storm of questions and the trials of restoration.  So many people in their own place of struggle this morning.  I pray for you all.  
As the sun rose this morning I pray that in some way God will fill your heart with hope.  That it will shine through your tears making rainbow rays that break through the shadows and break forth into the brilliance of the Love God has for you in the midst of your trial.  I pray that as a new day dawns  you will find some beauty.  And there will be some.  God never leaves us completely without hope.  For in the end he is our hope.
As I sit here this morning with blue skies smiling on me.  I am aware that the skies are not blue everywhere.  My skies have not always been blue, yours will not always be either.  But day will break again, you will smile again,  rainbow sunrises will come, joy will warm the cold shadow places, the singing of birds will come. 
So as I begin this leg of my journey.  I will grab the joy where I can find it.  Last night it was sitting in my living room talking with my youngest son.  This morning it was seeing the sun rise on a new day.  Today I am starting a new job.  I read a book one time called, "Splashes of Joy in the cesspool of life"  Sometimes that is all we get.  Little splashes of joy.  We have to grab them where we can.
As I share my thoughts, poems and bible verses with you on this blog, I hope it blesses you.  I hope when you happen across it you are able to grab a little splash of joy,  a smidge of hope,  a life lesson that will help you somewhere on your own journey.  
For today,  I pray Gods blessings pour down on you wherever you are on your journey.  
